Friday, November 30, 2007

Same guy different day

Apprently Gen sticks to things that are easy for her. (Real life might not be as easy as I'd like but guess I dont really have a choice but to stick to it.) Too much work makes my head hurt. Let's see where was I... oh ya complaining bout nobody sloving me. Rofl. I got a bf now. Yayaya I was mad at him but I got over it. Gave me a chance. He's a great person. Prolly one the best guy friends I have in sl. Don't quite know bout slove yet. I'm not one to just Jump to that. SOME of us know what that is... others just jump and jump and jump. You know what I mean by jumpers. Hmmm, you know that friend that has a bf for like 2days, the guy she just barely met... and she talkin bout how much she in sloooove wit the dude. Make you wanna just slap the hell outta her. Thinkin to yourself like you just met, how can you be talking about how much you in slove. Shaking your head the hole time, patting her back a week later (tellin her in your head I told your ass it was too soon.) At least get to know the person 1st or be friends or something dang! I'm not talkin no 1 or 2 weeks neither... let try some months at least before yall even start dating. Know something bout that person. Know what they want from you. Hell, lets try knowing what they actually wanna get from a relationship. Do they know the rules of wooage? Do they just wanna bone? How they wanna go RL with you? Do they want a family, prim pregnancy, sl kids? Junk like that. Gawd do I have to break it down for you that much. LOL. I know I know, I'm gettin all into detail and mess. I know what I want... question is do you know?
Had my small amount of drama in sl here and there. Nothing out the norm. HAHAHA sl is never normal. This is the moment when you insert a pfft here. Its more been OPP (other peoples problems) that I been handed. It all works out. You find who's there for you. Who's who, what's what typa mess. Some go crazy some just brush it off and slife goes on either way. Makes you wanna slap um sometimes and be like HELLOOOO WAKE THE HELL UP! LOL, ya I said it.
On a RL note: the pregnancy been kickin my ass. Aside from the weight droping takin me for loops and junk. I just been hella tired. Only 9weeks left! Got me all happy bout that though. Thank gawd! Offically seperated, kinda sucks some what.Part of me is happy part of me wished it coulda worked but its a natural feeling that I'm sure ill get over. Over all I'm content with where I am right now. Eatin everything that don't make me sick.
Welp, thats me for the night... I'll be updating and uploading. Lots to do get meh back on top lol. Def will be blogging more. ooh ooh special thanks to mah jels for the wooage-ness it really helps the non-relationship types know what the hell they gotta do to keep the relationship from being boring. HAHA like I got a prob there. I'm not mentioning any names *cough* you know who you are. Muaws.