Monday, December 3, 2007


My good friend Jellybean Madison tagged me with her random facts. A cool little game she came across about peoples random facts. Here's how:
(1) Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.(2) People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.(3) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.(4) Leave a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.
Do You REALLLY wanna know lol:
1. I absolutely love love love tomatoes. Especially on sandwiches with mayo not that booboo salad dressing, I’m talking that REAL KRAFT MAYO. MMM on honey oat bread with a slice of American Cheese.
2. I‘m almost never on SL on Sundays cuz my moms too dang nosey for me. “Who’s that? What’s that do? Who’s he? What is your lil person wearing?” booboo nosiness.
3. I attempted writing a book once and put it on hold when I decided to start a family. Well not decided but took an abrupt surprise on me. Eventually I’ll continue one day.
4. I think monkeys are just the cutest but only when referring to dolls. Real monkeys are that cute, plus they fling poo.
5. I never believed in love at 1st sight until I held my baby girl. She was so adorable.
6. Yes, I watch cartoons every Saturday morning angry beavers and invader zim are my favorites.
7. I adore musicals. My absolute faves are Chicago and Phantom of the Opera. I could be locked in a room with just those for days at a time. But my fave movie movie is The Count of Monte Cristo….
8. I’m a hopeless romantic, yet I’m not too sensitive…and I’m a sucker for surprises.

ok so im guessing i should tag SOMMMMEBODY.... LETS TRY UMMMMM UHHH VIC &CC.!!!

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